DeathTempo is a fusion genre between deathstep and midtempo bass. Deathtempo is a relatively underground style or sub-genre of Deathstep which features a slow and heavy 4x4 drums backed by heavy machine gun basslines. Deathtempo is stylistically similar to Deathstep but structurally similar to Midtempo Bass. It has you typical machine gun basses and pan snares just like in a Deathstep track however it is played around 100 BPM like a Midtempo Bass track and often features rhythms which are similar to Midtempo Bass. Hence the name DeathTempo
BPM range: 80 - 115 BPM
The origins of the term is 'debated' and the term was in use way before the genre started to become relevant. The first ever Deathtempo track was released by Code:Pandorum in his Videodrome LP from 2018 called "The Pearly Gates" which is the benchmark example for Deathtempo. Subsequently he also released one of his best tracks "Purpose" in his "Art of the Devil" LP 2020 which is also a Deathtempo track which gained heaps of praise from the Deathstep community. Artists like KROWW also produced Deathstep tracks around 110 BPM but never explicitly labelled them as Deathtempo, However some of the KROWW tracks can also be categorized as "Deathtempo" due to similarities in styles.
Meanwhile artists like Heaven Fell, Tritium (formerly known as "Tezzin") also produced Deathtempo tracks and used the label "Deathtempo" to represent their tracks. Around 2020, theis style/sub-genre name became noticeable and prevalent among the deathstep listeners.
One of the most crucial corpus of music to Deathtempo, Crowsnest Elite Vol. 3 was released in 2020 which features multiple Deathtempo tracks from various artists including Code:Pandorum, TenGraphs, Heaven Fell ,etc.
Influential Artists[]
- Code:Pandorum
- Heaven Fell
- Tritium (Tezzin)